Picture of the Day for January 30, 2014

There was another beautiful sunset this evening, a pretty pink one, but I was clearing snow when the sun went down so I didn’t get a picture. And since it took a long time to clear the snow, I was chilled to the bones when I came inside but with the current high price of propane right now, I didn’t turn the heat up. I guess my cats don’t think too much of a colder house as apparently the only warm place for them is in the kitchen sink right after I washed the dishes. Guess the hot water warmed a spot for my boy for a few minutes anyway!

Warm Sink

Warm Sink

Picture of the Day for January 29, 2014

The sunset was colorful again tonight as I watched it from the comforts of indoors and I was debating whether to brave the cold or not for a picture when my mom called and asked if I saw the sunset. I figured that meant I should get a picture but by the time I bundled up for the cold and hiked the distance to get past tree for a picture, the colorful sunset had vanished, leaving only a hint of the former display.

Winter Sunset

Winter Sunset

Picture of the Day for January 28, 2014

There was a beautiful sunset tonight but I was too chicken to go back out in the -30ºF wind chill after being outside in it earlier in the day. In the summer I don’t have to walk too far to take a sunset picture but in the winter, it is a long walk in deep snow to get past the trees in order to take a picture. So since I didn’t brave the cold for tonight’s sunset, here is one from a warmer day.

No Winter Sunset

No Winter Sunset

Picture of the Day for January 27, 2014

Hopefully the chipmunk didn’t eat all the acorns he found this fall and stored a lot for this long, cold winter. Chipmunks construct expansive burrows with chambers for the food storage, sleeping quarters and refuse tunnels. During the winter, the chipmunk may enter long periods of decreased physiological activity, but does not truly hibernate and instead of storing fat, they periodically dip into their cache of nuts and seeds throughout the winter.

Chipmunk Eating an Acorn

Chipmunk Eating an Acorn

Picture of the Day for January 24, 2014

After watching more snow falling and blowing today, I decided I much rather see falling and blowing leaves, even though that would mean winter is around the corner and I sure don’t want a longer winter as this one has been long enough. But a warm, sunny fall day would be great about now as leaves on the road is easier to deal with than snow on the road.

Fallen Leaves Line the Road
