Picture of the Day for November 29, 2014

While most corn is combined these days, there are still some farmers who pick the corn to feed ground cob corn to steers and each fall it is a gamble with the weather waiting for the corn to dry down to a moisture level which the corn can be stored in a crib and before the snow gets too deep to get in the fields with the corn picker. On wet years, sometimes they have to wait until the ground freezes so they don’t bury the tractor and equipment in the fields.

The mature cob corn might not be very appealing to us who want the nice juicy sweet corn in the summer, but the critters like this corn including the squirrels and birds that also eat on the corn in the crib.

Corn on the Cob

Corn on the Cob

Picture of the Day for November 23, 2014

It seems like in photography to get a good picture is 99% luck and I didn’t have good luck with this church picture for the timing of taking an autumn scene. The hillsides were changing into their colorful array on my way to an appointment until I got to the church where only a hint of color was showing and since it was too early in the day, the sun hadn’t moved into the correct position yet but at least the clouds were pretty that day so one out of three pieces fell in place. I wasn’t able to get back to the area later to get the full color but maybe next year I will have better luck.

Hint of Color at St. Katherine’s

Hint of Color at St. Katherine's