Picture of the Day for March 31, 2017

As March comes to an end, I guess it went out like a lamb once the sun came out later in the day when the bluebirds were singing in the yard. The pond had new visitors today too with a pair of geese camped out all day and a pair of mallards later in the day. I hope the geese move on since they are rather messy and I want room in the pond for when the wood ducks return.

Geese Out

Geese Out

Picture of the Day for March 28, 2017

The first sunny day in a while had the birds singing, which included some spring birds arrival like bluebirds and killdeers. So it was time to clean the bluebird houses yet and evict the squatters who moved in over winter.  And I had to remove a lot of field mice, although the males must have ticked off the females as most houses only had one occupant and I only found one couple. But I did have to feel a little sorry for some of them as one had a ripped ear and this one was missing a front leg so didn’t scramble down the pole when I cleaned the house.

Three Legged Mouse

Three Legged Mouse

Picture of the Day for March 27, 2017

The calendar might say it is spring, but it is more of a gray period instead with another cloudy day and the brownish landscape which has emerged from the snow. A field of dandelions would look pretty about now, even if people don’t like them, but bees love them. I like the yellow stage, it is the white seed releasing event that I don’t care for.

Yellow Field

Yellow Field