Picture of the Day for July 31, 2014

On the western shore of Lake Superior, a new beacon of light shone across its water for the first time on July 31, 1910, when the third order Fresnel was lit in the new Split Rock Lighthouse on a 130 foot cliff.

Since there were no roads in the area at the time of construction, all the building materials and supplies arrived by water and hoisted to the top of the cliff but Split Rock Lighthouse became such a tourist attraction so a road was built to it in 1924.

Light on the Rocks

Light on the Rocks

Picture of the Day for July 28, 2014

The road ditches have spotted patches of reddish orange color as the native lilies are blooming. Although growing up, I thought they were Turk’s Cap Lily but Turk’s Caps are not native to Wisconsin and they are actually native Michigan Lily instead (but I think they should have been called Wisconsin Lily instead as Wisconsin has more counties with them in than Michigan does). But whatever the name, they are pretty in the road ditches and fields.

Michigan Lily

Michigan Lily

Picture of the Day for July 27, 2014

The sunset last night kept reflecting off the clouds, changing their color and at times, reflecting rays up into the sky. But as pretty as the sunset was, just forty-five degrees to the north from the sunset was a thunderhead and there was lightning flashing all around inside the storm cloud. My finger was too slow, so I didn’t get a picture of the lightning inside the thunderhead before the lower dark clouds covered my view of it.

Sunset on Saturday

Sunset on Saturday

Picture of the Day for July 23, 2014

You never know what you might find on a winding road, especially on a Wisconsin Rustic Road. This year is the 40 year anniversary of Wisconsin’s Rustic Roads program which have roads with outstanding natural features along its borders such as rugged terrain, native vegetation, native wildlife, or include open areas with agricultural vistas which singly or in combination uniquely set it apart from other roads.

I have a lot of miles to travel to cover all the Rustic Roads since there are 115 designated Rustic Roads spanning more than 665 miles through 59 counties.

Cute Red Shed

Cute Red Shed

Picture of the Day for July 22, 2014

I wake up with a rooster tail hairdo but this chicken has more than I get! The Silkie chicken (named for the fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk) has an odd looking head and hairdo. The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most chickens only have four.

Bad Chicken Hairdo

Bad Chicken Hair Doo